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Log grapple for excavator and their importance in logging

by | Dec 17, 2021

Even to this day, we need wood for a variety of things in our modern society. Be it to make furniture or many other things, many fields and industries needs wood for their products and services. So logging has become vital for these fields of work to operate. And that is why you can see many businesses involved in logging to provide wood for this demand. Even though many people find it unethical, right now many do not have an alternative. Therefore many people engage in logging to earn their living. And it is a much more dangerous job than you know as well. There are many fatalities and accidents in this line of work more than you count. As to avoid these types of incidents, now many businesses have turned their heads towards a specific tool. And it is called a log grapple for excavator.

The log grapple for excavator comes as an attachment that you can use on your excavator. And simply attaching this to your excavator can make your life easy as someone who owns a logging business. So if you are planning to invest in your business further to earn the most profits then buying this tool is the best thing to do. And to know why, this article will be helpful for you as it will provide you with all the information you need before you buy one. Also, it will tell you how it helps the field of work you are in right now as well. Therefore let’s start by finding out what exactly a log grapple is?

What is a log grapple?

The log grapple for excavator is a tool that grabs logs on the ground easily with its grapple to load these logs for transportation. And it can be used for unloading as well when these logs reached their destination. Due to this tool, many operations around logging have become simpler. As a result, many logging business owners have started to buy these attachments for their excavators. And by doing so, these owners are enjoying a variety of benefits that help their businesses. Not only that, they are able to earn the most profits as well due to the efficiency this tool brings.

So to understand how buying a log grapple for excavator help these owners, let’s find out some of the benefits it brings. And that will convince you to buy a log grapple for excavator you have. Thus you will be able to enjoy all the benefits and perks it brings to your business as well.

Top 5 benefits that a log grapple brings to your business.

While there are many benefits to a log grapple, here you will find the most important one that will help your business. Therefore finding this out will help your decision if you are looking to buy a log grapple for excavator you have.

  • Improve lead time

With a log grapple, the logs you cut down get delivered at a much faster speed for your clients who ordered the wood. Because it improves the lead time as it takes less amount of time loading and unloading than if it were done manually. So you will be able to provide a good service for your customers while saving a lot of time and labor.

  • Safer

It is much easier and safer to load and unload logs with a log grapple for excavator you have in your business. Because normally, this process is very dangerous for your employees as there are many risks involved. So having a log grapple can reduce a lot of accidents and injuries around your workplace. And this is one of the most influential factors that many businesses buy this excavator attachment.

  • More efficient

Using a log grapple for the excavator as an attachment to load and unload wood is much more efficient than the old methods. Because it can load logs within minutes that might have taken hours to load if they were done manually or with other methods. Therefore using a log grapple saves both the time and the labor in your work environment, making it more efficient overall.

  • Easy to stockpile

With a log grapple, you can easily stockpile logs upon each other to make it easier to transport. By doing so, it will be even more convenient when it comes to loading and unloading the logs. Because the operator can easily load up or unload down the piled-up logs within a short time. And the storage of these logs will become neater and more organized than usual as well.

  • High mobility

The ability to load and unload logs from anywhere is one of most sorts after features of a log grapple. Because this log grapple for excavator acts as an attachment, you can bring it anywhere and start loading or unloading logs. Whether it’s harsh terrains or weather conditions, with an excavator you can easily continue your operations. Due to this high mobility found in a log grapple, it found popularity among many logging businesses.

While reading through the above list, you might have realized how beneficial it is to have a log grapple. Because the benefits it brings are highly influential to make your business operations much easier. And while doing so, you will be able to earn money and save money as well. But to enjoy all the benefits you need to buy from the right place. Since not all excavator attachment manufacturers provide a good quality product. However, you are already at CT Machine PRO which is one of the best manufacturers in the market right now that can provide you with log grapples of the highest quality you can find.

CT Machine PRO – The one-stop-shop for all types of excavator attachments and hydraulic breakers


CT Machine PRO is one of the leading manufacturers of hydraulic breakers and excavator attachments in all of China. But we have many customers around the world that comes for our products due to their high quality. Because all our products are more durable than anything you can find in the market. Since we use the best materials to make them and we make sure to give it all with our years of experience in this industry. And the same goes for every log grapple for excavator we make in our factories. So you will never regret buying the products that we guarantee from our collection of excavator attachments. And that is why you should contact us today and get all the information before you buy from us.